Explore, Immerse, Unravel for the ultimate Japan experience curated by Sentio.
Every guest is unique so every tour is unique.
We enable each guest to create their own story of this incredible island nation.
Most importantly, our goal is for you to have fun.
Highly personal private tours and truly local experiences.
We know that it is all in the details and we want to provide you with an unforgettable, authentic Japan adventure.
Some of our specialties include
Arts: design, architecture, crafts, theatre, galleries
Culture: sumo, samurai swordsmanship, tea ceremony, anime
Others: cuisine, sake, fashion, history
Our curators are highly experienced, globally-minded Japanese travel experts.
Our passion, high level of discernment and knowledge set us apart.
Founder Yumi Wakiyama is bilingual, multi-cultural and well-traveled.
Like a trusted friend, Yumi can provide access to not only the top tier highlights,
but also the hidden gems, to provide a true insider’s experience of Japan.
By Introduction only